I am a disabled gluten chef. Because I can't taste what I am making -because it has flour in it (I can't eat flour- celiac disease) and because I don't want to make it gross, I think, I might, sort of add too much sugar. Sometimes the girls really score. I wouldn't know, I haven't tasted it. It has happened a time or two as I cook with the girls that I make something amazing. The girls go nuts for it, seriously, more, more, more... so usually when N8 gets home I ask him to try it, 'it's really sweet' or 'it's full of sugar' he will say.
Today we made poppy seed muffins for N8 to celebrate the drug test he had to take for work yesterday. I had to tweak and modify the recipe according to ingredients we didn't have. Of the 12 muffins there was one lonely muffin for him to try. I think I made something amazing. But I wouldn't know, I didn't taste it.
There's going to a full-blown full-gluten carb bar to welcome you to those Pearly Gates one day.